Mission & Vision


Our vision is to become a dynamic expression of God’s eternal family, lived out in powerful relationships and healthy communities.


  • Host the presence of the Lord individually and corporately

  • Train Leaders to disciple believers in our communities and in the nations of the world

  • Be a safe place for all people to receive healing, restoration and encounter the Presence of the Lord

  • Partner with parents in discipling children and youth of all ages and promote healthy families

  • Promote unity in the Body of Christ by strategically partnering with others   

Statement of faith

Freedom Fellowship Church is an association of Christian believers, united around a common set of beliefs. These beliefs are derived from the Bible which we believe to be the inspired Word of God, in its original languages. The Bible reveals God as a perfect union of 3 distinct persons: as our Father, as Jesus Christ his Son, and the Holy Spirit as his manifested Life and Presence. Based on the Bible, we believe in the following:

 7 Pillars of Faith

 1) Faith in Jesus Christ: his virgin birth, his sinless life, his death on the cross for all humanity, his resurrection from the dead, his ascension into Heaven where He is now seated at the right hand of God the Father.

 2) The Redemption of Man: through repentance and faith in Christ every person is invited to leave a life of sin and brokenness, which we were all born into. We receive forgiveness and cleansing through Jesus’ blood and by the power of his Cross we experience a restored relationship with God. A new nature is born in us which was first demonstrated by Christ Himself during His life on earth. After we come to faith, we officially embrace that transformation through water baptism by immersion. 

 3) The Empowerment of the Holy Spirit: upon conversion every believer is invited to receive the Holy Spirit, his divine empowering and his gifts. Included are the 9 gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, as well as a personal prayer language designed to empower the believer, enable him/her to live an overcoming life and equip him/her to minister in the same power that Jesus and his apostles did. The 5-fold ministry gifts in Ephesians 4:11 are given as governmental gifts to the church, enabling it to reproduce and raise sons and daughters to maturity. 

 4) The Body of Christ, the Church: every believer is invited into a discipleship process where they are established in their faith, embrace a process of growth leading to maturity and learn to live as a member of a spiritual family. He/she is invited to find the place where they belong in the Church, which is the corporate expression of Jesus on earth.

 5) The Purpose of the Believer: each believer is encouraged to discover their purpose, why they are here. We believe that every person has a destiny to fulfill, and through a relationship with God and His family, that destiny is uncovered and every believer can embrace an ongoing process of living in their God-given purpose. 

 6) The Great Commission: each believer has a role to fill in the Great Commission of going into all the world and making disciples of all nations. Some will train others, some will work locally, some will go to other regions or nations, some will support those who go, but all who serve will share equally in the eternal rewards.

 7) The Return of Christ: there will be a time when Christ returns to earth to judge the living and the dead, those who died in Christ will resurrect into eternal glory, those who died without Christ will resurrect to eternal damnation. Those who resurrect in Christ will live and reign with Him eternally. 


 Through the scriptures, God has revealed the great desire of His heart- that fallen mankind would be restored to fellowship with Him, be delivered of negative influences and healed of all brokenness in spirit, soul & body. He has revealed his model of redemption and path to overcoming power through the life, death, burial & resurrection of Jesus Christ. The passion of every believer should be to be restored back to intimate fellowship with God and his earthly family, and transformed into the likeness of Jesus. This is possible by rightly relating to Jesus as Savior, Lord & King, to the Holy Spirit as the source of our power, and to the church as the Father’s family, which is Jesus’ body on earth. All are invited to participate in this glorious process.